Out of the pieces I have done, this comes across to me as the most vulgar.This very piece i'm doing has a long story.Growing up in India, I have seen many animals being ill-treated. Many people in India, would hurt animals and torture them only because it gets them money.. this piece is one that,comes across as extremely disturbing to me
Once emperors and kingdoms became history, they started performing " Bear Dancing " for a general public entertainment. Tourists would often see these bears dances on the highway between Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. Today, about 800 dancing bears are performing on streets across the country. In india, bear dancing is banned by the wildlife protection act 1972.But various, socio-economic and political factors have made it a difficult task to implement this law. The Sloth Bears are purchased to the Qualandars, a nomadic gypsy tribe by traders and poachers. After purchasing them, they know teach these sloth bears to dance and respond to commands using the crude tools of pain and fear. At the tender age of just six months, a crude iron needle is heated and driven through their muzzel with anesthesia or anything, causing the bear to witness excruciating pain. After this, a rough rope is pulled through the sensitive and swollen muzzel. This agony of a fair amount of beatings and, systematic starvation usually teaches the bear who the master is. The bear lives the rest of it's life at the end of a four foot rope with no stimulation at all thus, causing several mental and stereotypical symptoms. Male cubs are also castrated at a very young age, again brutally without any anesthesia.Canine teeth are removed when the bear reaches the age of about one, by knocking them out with a metal rod. For the rest of it's life, the bear will dance on the road to earn money for it's owner.. The wound on the muzzel will never heal and often be infested by maggots. Bears go through this for two years or so, after which they die due to tuberculosis,leptrospirosis, malnutrition or rabies.
This is the story of the " Dancing Bear". This very story is a fine example to show.. what all people can do just for the money. Doing this, is just as bad as slowly killing a human being. They torture the animal to such an extent, knocking it's teeth out with metal rods, putting a needle through their muzzle..not even allowing the wound to heal and preforming minor surgeries on it without any form of anesthesia or anti-biotic. This is the perfect definition of cruelty to animals. The only reason these people do this if for the money. Is this what the world has become?Is this the extent they can go to for money? The government has had many problems trying to implement this law but if more people bring up this concern, the government may begin to take up matters a little more seriously and do much more about it, then they are right now.
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