Thursday, July 22, 2010


The way in which whales are killed is particularly
cruel. They are hit by harpoons with exploding grenades at their tips.Half the whales are killed quickly . The other half suffer excruciating pain as they dragged to the ship and shot at with guns.It takes many shots to kill a whale, sometimes a whale may even take particularly long to die approximately an hour after shooting it. In the Faroe Islands, near Denmark whales are driven into shallow waters.They are slaughtered with knives by sawing through the flesh to the spinal cord to cut the arteries to the brain. It's a slow and highly painful death, for the whale not to mention cruel.

Even though the International Whaling commission voted to stop commercial whaling, some countries still continue to do it due to "scientific purposes". Japan and Norway continue to kill whales in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.They still kill ways in ways that are beyond cruel. Small whales and even dolphins are captured for the entertainment industries in many areas. They suffer the stress of capture, are torn apart from their family and they get to now live in pools instead of the ocean. Many whales and dolphins can not adapt to this change and die almost instantly, while other survive. Many dolphins and porpoises have died through entanglement in fishing nets, their health also suffers as a result of chemical pollution and plastic garbage. Some chemicals build up in the mothers body and are passed on to baby dolphins through it's mothers milk. Sometimes, the babies die in result. Whales weren't born to be trained to do stunts or slaughtered with knives, they were born to live in the ocean not pools, they weren't born to face excruciating pain and painful deaths, they weren't born to be examined, they weren't born to entertain, they were born to roam in the ocean , that's their home and that's exactly where they are meant to be.. free from everything else.

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